pathway to wholenessare 
 "Brethren, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health". 3John:1:2  
"I will praise you Lord, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works, and that my soul knows well." Psalm 139
At 86 and still runing, biking, and working after many health issues in early years I now teach others how too enjoy more "healthy years" to avoid the nursing home or worse. Read down this page. After you help yourself, help others.   
(originals of  unsolicited testimonials on file in Waupun Wisconsin)
   "40 doctors - no answers -
one pH sample tells it all" 
Diane Hein wrote those words after testing her saliva pH. A key body system like pH is upstream to every microsopic corner of the body. When you balance your pH it sends health downstream to all organs, parts, systems, and 40 trillion cells. You can prove this for yourself if you...
TEST don't guess!
When you test key systems at home for little or no cost it takes you out of the guessing game. The numbers don't lie. Here is what a well know doctor and author said about one key body system that you can test at home for little or no cost, and there are four more. 
 "Disease occurs on an  alkaline urine pH background"  
D.C. Jarvis M.D. author Vermont Folk Medicine. 
After years of testing patients Dr. Jarvis found that urine pH correlates not only with disease but is also a pre-indicator or  advanced signal of health problems. 
Wayne Graham of Ukiah California (cancer): "I am trying to help you all because you saved my life - much stronger now. Thanks to your guidelines my strength is coming back" (Wayne lived another 30 years).

David Estes (depression): “In only two weeks I’ve found the correlation between periods of negative thinking-depression and what I eat. I was below 5.5 saliva (pH) when this would occur. I’ve now gone two weeks with no prolonged depression. Thank you. Thank you".
Joyce Heiser Illinois: "It's wonderful to feel more control of my health with the information you provide".
Everyone has their "truth".  
Based on the basic sciences, the National Library of Medicine, and my personal experience along with that of thousands of others, my truth heals and/or prevents sore knees, irregular heartbeat, cancer, life threatening adrenal exhaustion, panic attacks, diabetes and sugar problems, foggy brain, and just about everything related to "infection".
Is your truth working for you?
Old age without aches, pains, sickness?
In some parts of the world folks grow old and don't get sick. Wittingly or unwittingly they do things to keep key body systems like pH, digestion, and blood sugar in balance! Disease begins with "inflammaging" when these systems go out of balance.
Today most people understand that disease begins with inflammation, but few realize that STRONG ACIDS are the primary cause of inflammation or what to do about it. That's where Nutrition-for-life and pH balancing come in. 
Your body's SYSTEMS, including pH and digestion, run the show. They service your 40 trillion cells that in turn serve you. The way to go from point A to point B with your health is to learn to balance your body's key systems. A simple yet powerful way to do that is by self-testing so you...
Let your body be your teacher! 
“This is the most common sense approach to improving health that I have ever read. Keep up the good works”. G.W. Colorado 
"Your course has given me the resources to help with terrible migraine headaches. I tend to run acid when they occur". Marcia Braun Racine Wisconsin

“Nobody has taught me as much as you have".
 Beth Borray
    Keep it simple 1-2-3
1 – Identify a standard for “perfect” for five key body systems that you can test at home. The five systems are urine and saliva pH; digestion; blood sugar; metabolism; and blood pressure. The Nutrition-For-Life kit manual explains the systems and gives you a HEALTHY STANDARD to which you can compare your test results. 

2  Compare yourself to a healthy standard by self-tests at home for little or no cost.   

3 – Take action to move your numbers closer to perfect. 

123 you are on your way. You can do something.
You are not helpless.
Medical doctor - "Your system enables patient to monitor everything him/herself. Great!"
Nutritionist from Colorado "I have seen remarkable results".
Robert J. Peshek D.D.S. clinical nutritionist, author, taught doctors - "Only one who has been there knows the amount of work that has gone into this project".
Dr. C.H Martinez California “In my chiropractic training I studied some biochemistry,  however, this seems to take the mystery out of biochemistry. It’s really a lot of fun to balance myself and have that control over my life. Thanks”. 
90 day satisfaction guarantee  - 

Nutrition-For-Life kit

The 1-2-3 Perfect Health System 
This kit has too much powerful content to properly describe on a website which is why we ship with a 90 day satisfation guarantee. Take 90 days  to study the kit with all contents listed below. If not delighted return for full refund less shipping costs.
Kit contents 
Nutrition-For-Life manual
Part I - The Foundation: What about health does  mainstream have upside down? - difference between human and divine technology - real vs. commercial "science" - importance of biochemical individuality - power of constants in nature - which body system to balance first? Concept of "metabolic efficiency" - why your disease may be your best friend - secrets to a long life - too much to list here.
Part II - What You Need To Know: the "great secret" that makes better health simple - remember the threes - the pH or acid-alkaline balance and connection to weight control - why digestion is key to nutrition working right and the pH connection - blood sugar and longevity connection -  metabolism and body temperature as the solution to disease - avoiding HYPER and HYPO conditions - blood pressure connection to hydration and how that works with three key minerals - the stress connection - curing the incurables.
Part III - What You NeedTo Do: rules of the road - urine-saliva pH, first of five systems to test and balance - how to test, how to balance; alkalizing options - special section on urine pH as "first yardstick of health" - good news and bad news - what is danger zone for urine pH? double trouble?
Digestion #2 of five systems to balance - the F.E.C.A.L. test - puppy dog test - top down ways to balance digestion
Blood sugar #3 - a true story - sugar basics - what is healthy? how to test - major factors to balance - supplemental tips
Metabolism #4 - major factors - most important test - correlating symptoms with testing - turning on and off the thyroid - food and drink connections - hormones - pituitary, iodine, manganese - "rare earth" elements - supplements
Blood Pressure #5 - big picture - testing - new standard - keys to balance - 15 additional considerations.
Special section - Beyond the Systems: epigenetics -  victim or master? whose fingers on your keys? detoxification - how intense? four bases to cover - how to make a fever? break a fever? why important? concept of metabolic amplitude - psychomatic or somato-psychic? how to have a great day - making health taste good with "nuts and bolts" - recipes - original green drink - power of a whole grain - but is it working?
Part IV - God's Plan for Making a Healthy Baby - everybody should read this even if not making babies - cancer connection to old age.
Part V - Sources, Cheat sheet, Charts, References - Index 

Lynne of Virginia (foggy brain): “About a week ago I really got serious with God! The next morning my first thought was to test my pH. Everything was ACID! And my symptoms matched. Going from depression and what felt like a head full of cotton to joy and complete mental clarify in minutes really opened my eyes". (Lynne bought her kit in 1995 but didn't take it seriously. Four years later God nudged her to use it).  
Addditional items included 
"Cheat sheet" of five key systems - quick reference guide; 
Daily pH and blood sugar charts - your real education begins when you learn cause and effect by correlating 1 - how you feel 2 - your test numbers 3 - what you are eating and drinking. This is how you learn cause and effect. This is how your body becomes your teacher on a pathway to wholeness.
Essential reports included  
Power of the lemon - it saved the British navy. If you search under lemon juice, seeds, pulp, peel in National Librarary of Medicine ([ you should find over 10,000 studies documenting the power of the lemon  priceless.
Living Ecology report - did you know the biogenome of bacteria in the human gut is 100x more complex than that of the human body? Gut issues are connected to everything including immunity and brain issues - priceless. 
Real Food report - what missing fractions and co-factors in a whole grain can explain just about every "incurable" disease and health issue? How can you identify real food? - priceless.
MSM report - it's in rain water and in mother's milk and in every apple picked FRESH off a tree - but why is almost everyone deficient in this critical elements? Fastinating reading can be the key to your most troublesome health problems - priceless
Essential sugars report - why are they "essential?? What is the simplest way to get all of them in a daily diet and routine? priceless. 
The Jensen report - describes how a 85 year old doctor with prostate cancer metastasized to the bone healed himself - priceless.  
Old age begins in the colon - compliments the information on balancing digestion in the manual with illustrations and a list of 22 of the deadliest poisons produced by "bad buy" microbes in a toxic human gut - 4 pages priceless.  
Vitamins and minerals - details deficiency symtpoms of 17 vitamins and 12 key minerals along with food sources and therapeutic applications - 4 pages priceless.
Original green drink recipe - used and taught by naturopathic doctors for 70+ years - one page priceless.
Terminal Turnaround - does "terminal" always mean terminal? Does "incurable" always mean incurable? Not by a long shot - priceless. 
 Additional reports included 
Mineral antagonisms (shows how minerals relate to each other and the danger of single mineral supplements) only one page but priceless.  
Power of a whole grain - carefully read this co-authored with Robert J. Peshek D.D.S. and you may find the key to almost every ailment humans have suffered from since the invention of the grain mill. PRICELESS!    
But is it working? How can you use principles of "applied kinesiology" in energy medicine to test what you are doing against your body's innate wisdom to see if it's working for you or not?  Why is your own body the "highest scientific authority" for this? What do your smiles, posture, and light in your eyes reveal about your general level of energy and wellness? This ONE PAGE if understood is worth the price of the entire kit.
Rosy cheeks at 91 - fascinating true story of 91 year old woman who looked like "death warmed over" at 8:00 am but had rosy cheeks that same day by 6:00 pm. This four page report tells the exciting tale with specific details on what her son did to turn her around in 10 hours, sources included. Read this and you will never think the same about simple things like lemon and water ever again.
Testing and sources - where to get things you need.
Strong vs. weak acids - a key to understand pH.
GLycemic index - key to blood sugar control. 
Seven cancer secrets - that everyone should know.
Arthritis, bones, joints, aches  - personal healing story. 
Headches and pH -  how pH relates to stress, the autonomic nervous system, vasodilation, vasoconstriction.
Multiple Sclerosis - a case study. 
Nutrition-For-Life kit
Order today for only $69 plus $9.00 S&H  total $78.00. Kits are shipped priority mail and should arrive within 3-5 business days. 90 day satisfaction guaranteeTo order use secure "buy now" paypal button below or mail check or money order to Perfect Health P.O. Box 132 Waupun,WI 53963   
Canada: order by mail and add $10.00 USD to above for shipping. Send check or money order to: Perfect Health Foundation P.O. Box 132 Waupun, WI 53963-0132.
Foreign: order by mail and add $30.00 USD to above for shipping. Send check or money order to: Perfect Health Foundation P.O. Box 132 Waupun, WI 53963-0132.  
About the author James LeBeau
My childhood on a small farm in the UP of Michigan was one sore throat and cold after another. Later in early adulthood came life threatening irregular heartbeat, panic attacks, an ulcer, digestive pains galore,  blackouts (postural hypotention) and viral infections. With God's help and what I learned from many wise doctors I learned to heal myself.
Nutrition-For-Life kits are the result of 40 years  of study and research with guidance from heaven and one of the top clinical nutritionists of the last century and friend, Robert J. Peshek D.D.S. I graduated from the Sarasota School of Natural Healing Arts in Sarasota Florida in 1980 as a Certified Natural Health Practitioner.  In 1990 I founded The Perfect Health Foundation to teach Christian wholeness and to publish my books and two co-authored with Dr. Peshek: Healing Diets 1996 - The Cancer Report 2003.
Today at 86 I walk, run, and bike without pain. Blood pressure is in the 120/80 range, pulse 60, oxygen 95-100, urine and saliva pH numbers near perfect almost always but I hardly ever feel the need to test anymore. I see a doctor for emergency medical needs and I see God for good nutrition and wisdom. It's really important to know the differnce between a natural biomolecule as found in food and herbs and an artificial chemical that can be patented to make lots of money. Knowing this difference can save your life. It can even help you feel closer to heaven and Jesus since "By Him all things were made" John 1:3.